Monday, January 19, 2009

Medlin Mayhem

This bar of soap I created from scratch, modeling it after the movie poster for the movie Fight Club. This was for a college dorm theme.

This is the original proof of the t-shirt.

Here is a close up of what the back of the shirt said in the end. This was created in Adobe Illustrator.

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    Joshua Smith - I am a college student at Lee University with a passion for graphic design with a purpose. When not spending late night hours tweaking pixels in Photoshop, I work as the Officer of Creative Design for the the Student Leadership Council, relax in hammocks, and drink chocolate milk.

    creatio ex nihilo
    Literally, creatio ex nihilo means: creation from nothing. It is the idea that God created the universe from nothing, and that all things are by him. I find this idea true in graphic design, where we start with a blank canvas, yet in the end we have the result of our ideas.

